Schools & Partnerships

We're always looking for new partnerships to grow the climbing community, so if you have a group or a proposal that you'd like to bring to Mile End, get in touch! 


Our program supporting local schools continues to grow and develop, and the provision of individual sessions, general PE and focused GCSE lessons to schools across London is a pivotal part of our work. One of the things we focus on is making these sessions as financially accessible as possible, either by heavily discounting all our sessions or by providing regular coached sessions at no cost at all. Unlike most climbing walls, we have no shareholders so any surplus that the charity makes is reinvested into the organisation and used to support more charitable activity.  

During this past year we also partnered with a local charity working with people recovering from alcohol/drug addiction. We were able to provide volunteer opportunities, training and support to help them re-engage with the working world and wider community. 2022 also saw us launch our She Climbs program which, through a series of events, has made significant strides towards promoting greater opportunities for the women’s climbing community. 

Our trustees believe that not only can we continue with these programmes, but we can do so much more for our communities - so get in touch today!